the facilitator
Chris Bergmann
Chris is an early childhood teacher. She has lived and worked throughout the Kimberley for the past 30 years. Chris has completed further studies in Autism, neuroscience and Reading Recovery.
Photo by Ben Houston Photography
She has extensively researched early learning, brain development, the impact of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences and the importance of early oral language development.
She is trained in presenting several evidence based parenting programs which include "Circle of Security", and "Tuning in to Kids", "Dads Tuning in to Kids", "Tuning in to Teens", "Circle of Security in the Classroom" and "Bringing up Great Kids". Chris has co-designed many workshops and parenting programs with community groups.
Chris believes parents should be given good information in a way that is easy to understand so they can make informed decisions about their parenting.
University of Curtin University, Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood Education
CEWA - Reading Recovery Teacher Education
Graduate Certificate - Autism Studies, Education/ Teaching of Individuals with Autism
University of Melbourne (Registered Facilitator)
Tuning in to Kids
Dad's Tuning in to Kids
Tuning into Teens
Circle of Security (Registered Facilitator)​
Circle of Security parenting
Circle of Security in the Classroom
Australian Childhood Foundation (Registered Facilitator)​
Bringing up Great Kids​